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1:1 Inquiry

Documentation Inquiry | Regarding CMO partnership for immunochromatographic test kits

성함 Rasagna Maddela
제품명 Immunochromatographic kits for veterinary
나라 India
카테고리 Documentation Inquiry
제목 Regarding CMO partnership for immunochromatographic test kits
연락처 +917013468741
Hello, Hope you are doing good. We, The Business Research Company (TBRC), are contracted by our client (a Japanese multinational company) to survey for manufacturing/developing partners for immunochromatographic test kits, for veterinary on-farm diagnostics We would like to know if you are interested in offering business support to our client in developing/manufacturing immunochromatographic test kits. If interested, we would like to have to short call to understand your company’s capabilities. We could even communicate over email and we have a few questions that we would send if you are more comfortable this way than a call Should you have further questions, please feel free to revert to the same email Looking forward to hearing from you. Best Regards Rasagna



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